In this paper I identify three methodological approaches to creativitycentered design: the computational approach, the dialogical perspective and the ecologically grounded framework. And I analyze how these three methods relate to a current definition of the ubiquitous music field (ubimus). Social interaction is one of the factors to be accounted for in ubimus experimental studies. I propose the label social resources for the shared knowledge available within a community of practice. I identify five aspects of creativity-centered design that have targeted social resources. Then I discuss material resources as factors to be considered for the design of ubimus ecosystems and present two new design qualities as variables for experimental studies: volatility and rivalry. This discussion is framed by a split between creative products and creative resources which points to three observables: material resources, material products and material by-products, including creative waste. I conclude with a summary of the main proposals of the paper and point to applications of these concepts in experimental design studies.