Motim: laughter’s ‘relational thinking’ as contagion in a process dramaturgy||Motim: la pensee relationnelle du act de rire comme contagion dans une dramaturgie en processus||Motim: laughter’s ‘relational thinking’ as contagion in a process dramaturgy
- Voltar
This paper discusses the creative process of the street performance Motim (Mutiny) (2015) from the perspective of laughter as a bio-potent performative action. We discuss how the relational thinking emerged within the framework of a process dramaturgy (Kerkhove, 1997), conceptualizing creative thinking as a network (Salles, 2006). The collaborative creative process of Motim started with three ways of approaching the act of laughing: physicality, memory and contagion. By focusing on contagion, we will discuss how relational thinking was installed in the creative process of Motim and was powered by the investigative aspect of laughter as contagion.||C’article a pour but faire un etude du processus creatif de la perfomance Motim (Emeute) (2015), en discutent l’acte de rire comme un acte bio puissant et performatif. On aborde comme dans une dramaturgie en processus la pensee relationnelle a emerge pour la construction de la dramaturgie, dans une comprehension de la pensee creative comme un reseau (Salles, 2006). Le processus creatif et collaboratif de Motim a eu comme base trois parcours pour aborder le rire: la physicalite, la memoire et la contagion. En portant une attention particuliere sur la contagion, on discute comment la pensee relationnelle a ete presente dans le processus creatif de Motim et a ete potentialise par le sujet du rire comme contagion.||This paper discusses the creative process of the street performance Motim (Mutiny) (2015) from the perspective of laughter as a bio-potent performative action. We discuss how the relational thinking emerged within the framework of a process dramaturgy (Kerkhove, 1997), conceptualizing creative thinking as a network (Salles, 2006). The collaborative creative process of Motim started with three ways of approaching the act of laughing: physicality, memory and contagion. By focusing on contagion, we will discuss how relational thinking was installed in the creative process of Motim and was powered by the investigative aspect of laughter as contagion.
Marques(Universidade Federal de Pernambuco – UFPE, Recife/PE, Brazil), Roberta Ramos | Costa(Universidade Federal da Bahia – UFBA, Salvador/BA, Brazil), Liana Gesteira
4 de outubro de 2022
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Copyright (c) 2016 Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença
Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies; Vol. 7 No. 1 (2017): jan./abr. 2017; 71-98 | Révue Brésilienne d'Études de la Présence; Vol. 7 No. 1 (2017): jan./abr. 2017; 71-98 | Révue Brésilienne d'Études de la Présence; Vol. 7 No 1 (2017): jan./ abr. 2017; 71-98 | Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença; v. 7 n. 1 (2017): jan./abr. 2017; 71-98 | 2237-2660
Motim | Relational Thinking | Laughter | Contagion | Process Dramaturgy | Motim | Relational Thinking | Laughter | Contagion | Process Dramaturgy | Motim | Pensee Relationnelle | Rire | Contagion | Dramaturgie en Processus
info:eu-repo/semantics/article | info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion