The unfolding of the concept of dramaturgy and the problematics of contemporary choreography are, today, a vast and diverse field of research, bearing numerous disclosures that lead to their reciprocal implication. Apart from that, dance and music share significant complementary ties allowing for the consideration of a common compositional inquiry. Reflecting on the compositional processes of dance and music, this article cross-examines the collaboration between choreographers and composers, integrating the incidence of dramaturgy in the strategies of choreographic and musical composition.||Les developpements du concept de dramaturgie et la problematisation de la creation choregraphique contemporaine sont, aujourd'hui, un vaste et diversifie champ de recherche, tisse par des nombreuses lignes de fuite qui guident leur implication mutuelle. De plus, la danse et la musique partagent des liens de complementarite expressives ce qui favorise la ponderation d’un probleme de composition commun. En reflechissant sur les processus de composition choregraphique et musicale, cet article est une etude sur la collaboration entre les choregraphes et compositeurs, integrant l’incidence de la dramaturgie sur les strategies de composition.||The unfolding of the concept of dramaturgy and the problematics of contemporary choreography are, today, a vast and diverse field of research, bearing numerous disclosures that lead to their reciprocal implication. Apart from that, dance and music share significant complementary ties allowing for the consideration of a common compositional inquiry. Reflecting on the compositional processes of dance and music, this article cross-examines the collaboration between choreographers and composers, integrating the incidence of dramaturgy in the strategies of choreographic and musical composition.