Between Gentlemen, Sambas and Beers: the discursive construction of the easy mulatto woman in Brazil||Parmi Messieurs, Sambas et Bières: la construction discursive de la mulâtresse facile au Brésil||Between Gentlemen, Sambas and Beers: the discursive construction of the easy mulatto woman in Brazil
- Voltar
This article aims to undertake a reading of the discourses that deal with the imaginary about easy mulatto woman in Brazil (Freyre, 2006 [1933]), considering its historical and semiological density. That aim is based on statements that emerge on that mulatto woman in slavery period, discussing how it is put to the test during the twentieth century and, finally, analysing the updates and appropriations of that memory nowadays. The starting point is a discourse analysis derived from Michel Pêcheux, but also incorporates the contributions of Michel Foucault, as well as current discussions undertaken by Jean-Jacques Courtine, especially those concerning to the Historical Semiology.||Cet article vise à entreprendre une lecture des discours qui traitent de l'imaginaire sur la mulâtresse facile au Brésil (Freyre, 2006 [1933]), compte tenu de sa densité historique et sémiologique. Ce but est lancé à partir des déclarations qui émergent sur cette mulâtresse au période d’esclavage, de discuter la façon dont elle est mise à l'épreuve au cours du XXe siècle et, enfin, analyser les mises à jour et des appropriations de cette mémoire de nos jours. Le point de départ est une analyse du discours dérivé de Michel Pêcheux, mais intègre également les contributions de Michel Foucault, ainsi que les discussions actuelles menées par Jean-Jacques Courtine, en particulier celles qui concernent la sémiologie historique.||This article aims to undertake a reading of the discourses that deal with the imaginary about easy mulatto woman in Brazil (Freyre, 2006 [1933]), considering its historical and semiological density. That aim is based on statements that emerge on that mulatto woman in slavery period, discussing how it is put to the test during the twentieth century and, finally, analysing the updates and appropriations of that memory nowadays. The starting point is a discourse analysis derived from Michel Pêcheux, but also incorporates the contributions of Michel Foucault, as well as current discussions undertaken by Jean-Jacques Courtine, especially those concerning to the Historical Semiology.
Braga (Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil), Amanda
4 de outubro de 2022
Direitos autorais
Copyright (c) 2017 Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença
Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies; Vol. 7 No. 2 (2017): Maio/Ago. 2017; 333-358 | Révue Brésilienne d'Études de la Présence; Vol. 7 No. 2 (2017): Maio/Ago. 2017; 333-358 | Révue Brésilienne d'Études de la Présence; Vol. 7 No 2 (2017): Maio/Ago. 2017; 333-358 | Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença; v. 7 n. 2 (2017): Maio/Ago. 2017; 333-358 | 2237-2660
iscourse | Semiotics | Memory | Enslavement | Easy Mulatto Woman | Text linguistics. Discourse analysis | Discourse | Semiotics | Memory | Enslavement | Easy Mulatto Woman | Discours | Sémiotique | Mémoire | Asservissement | Mulâtresse Facile
info:eu-repo/semantics/article | info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion