This paper reflects upon the affective dimension of the experience of reading fiction and poetry. I argue that the space of the imagination allows the approach of literary texts by means of sensations and emotions. Therefore, I formulate a concept of presence suitable for thinking about literary experiences, in which the reader’s body is mobilized by effects triggered by the text when in contact with his imagery.||Cet article propose qu’il y a une dimension affective de la lecture des textes poétiques e fictionnels, e que l’imagination est l’espace où on s’approche des œuvres littéraires par des sensations e des émotions. Je développe ainsi un concept de présence propre à l’expérience littéraire, où le corps du lecteur é mobilisé par des effets déclenchés par le texte en contact avec son imaginaire.||This paper reflects upon the affective dimension of the experience of reading fiction and poetry. I argue that the space of the imagination allows the approach of literary texts by means of sensations and emotions. Therefore, I formulate a concept of presence suitable for thinking about literary experiences, in which the reader’s body is mobilized by effects triggered by the text when in contact with his imagery.