The adoption of Digital Technologies (TD) in the K-12 system became even more significant throughout the year 2020, due to the social distance resulting from the pandemic caused by COVID-19. Educational institutions worldwide started to adapt their plans from face-to-face to online activities, and this approach was called Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). The school community word widely has focused on understanding the needs, demands, and implications that the emergency has placed. This study sought to investigate the main challenges and possibilities that emerged in this unique experience. We analyzed the implications of the teacher's perspective to adopt the ERT approach. Of course, infrastructure and context corroborate to generate intervening factors. However, we do not consider them. The research locus was the four first years of K-12 schools in Alegrete city (Brazil). The research is characterized as qualitative, supported by a case study. The results show that the lack of adequate initial preparation on TD was the main challenge and also limiting teachers' ability to use broadly and reflexively the online platforms in the ERE. It was pointing out important indicators to organize the process of continuing teacher education. ||A necessidade da inserção das Tecnologias Digitais (TD) no campo da educação se tornou ainda mais significativa em virtude do distanciamento social, oriundo da pandemia de COVID-19. Instituições de ensino do mundo inteiro passaram a adaptar seus planejamentos do presencial para o on-line, por meio do Ensino Remoto Emergencial (ERE). Nesse sentido, esta análise, de abordagem qualitativa, caracterizada como exploratória e aliada ao estudo de caso, buscou investigar os principais desafios e possibilidades que emergiram nessa experiência ímpar e desafiadora, na perspectiva da formação docente, encontrados para atuação no ERE. Questões envolvendo infraestrutura e contexto corroboraram para gerar fatores intervenientes, porém esses foram apenas tangenciados em função da discussão proposta. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a falta de uma formação inicial adequada acerca das TD como principal desafio e, também, limitadora, porém não determinante, por parte dos docentes para poder utilizar, de forma ampla e reflexiva, as plataformas on-line no ERE.