O presente artigo pretende retomar as relações que Walter Benjamin estabelece entre imagem e técnica a partir da releitura do texto “A obra de arte na época de sua reprodutibilidade técnica”. Pretende-se mostrar que, apesar da recepção massiva que esse ensaio teve, alguns elementos fundamentais de sua teoria materialista da obra de arte permanecem pouco explorados. E isso sobretudo no que diz respeito a reinterpretação que o autor faz da história da estética a partir do conceito de segunda técnica. ||The present article aims to revisit the relations that Walter Benjamin establishes between image and technique from the re-reading of the text "The work of art at the time of its technical reproducibility". From the analysis of the second German version of the essay, it is intended to suggest that, despite the massive reception of it, some fundamental elements of his materialist theory of the work of art remain little explored. As regards the materialistic reinterpretation of the History of Aesthetics, the concept of technique has a central role. However, it is in the notion or “second technique” that Benjamin supports his arguments, to the extent that it differentiates two forms of technical image production: Bildand Abbild.