When the conscience, that became sick, that is, unable to age, brings implications in a macro structural situation, we are in the presence of cultural problem. In his Second Dissertation of Genealogy of Moral Nietzsche faces this problem. In his approach, the philosopher detects that problem of conscience is, before everything, a cultural problem and not an individual problem. For having forgotten the enfasis about the individual, losing it in the uniform mass of community, for Nietzsche abandon themselves the traces that appoint the potencial largeness of action. Now, losing this trace of individual as plural active unity, is abandon itself to moral uniformer conformism, direction to conscience’s degeneracy. In this sense, the bad conscience reveal itself a problem coming from a sick conscience from the society, hence from the civilization. But, how is possible to speack in society, forgoting self of it is constitute by individuals? With this we wouldn’t accentuating the individual aspect rather than of collective? Where would be the genesis of bad conscience in individual or in culture?||A má consciência é produzida por uma civilização niilista.Na Segunda Dissertação da Para a genealogia da moral Nietzsche detectaque o problema da consciência é, antes de tudo, um problemacultural e não individual. A perda da ênfase sobre o indivíduo, namassa uniforme da coletividade, conduz ao abandono dos traços quemarcam a grandeza potencial da ação. Sem o traço individual equivalea entrega ao conformismo moral gregário, a direção de degenerescênciada consciência. Neste sentido, a má consciência se revela comoproblema oriundo de uma civilização enferma, niilista; sua superaçãoaponta para um mundo possível.