Gender and Performativity in Webcomics||Gender and Performativity in Webcomics||Gênero e performatividade em Webcomics
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The remediation from comics to webcomics and flash animated comics will be explained highlighting the audiovisual modes they share with electronic literature works. Besides emphasizing the changes in the reading, publishing and commercial processes, the main aim of this article is to compare gender roles in characters of webcomics with the performativity and denaturalization theories by Judith Butler. In this study the author’s freedom to deal with controversial topics such as sexuality and gender is seen as a possibility of exploration of gender and queer issues which have not been taken into account in previous research. Four webcomics about gender issues will be analysed emphasizing Judith Butler’s concepts: The Sisterhood story from SinFest (2008) by Tatsuya Ishida, Khaos Komix (2007-2012) by Tab Kimpton, YU+ME:dream (2004), I Was Kidnapped By Lesbian Pirates From Outer Space (2006-2011) by Megan Rose Gedris and The Gay Monsters (2007) by Andy Bauer. Representing different subjectivities in a popular genre as webcomic defies traditional social conventions and popularizes the individual’s acceptance of his or her own sexuality.||The remediation from comics to webcomics and flash animated comics will be explained highlighting the audiovisual modes they share with electronic literature works. Besides emphasizing the changes in the reading, publishing and commercial processes, the main aim of this article is to compare gender roles in characters of webcomics with the performativity and denaturalization theories by Judith Butler. In this study the author’s freedom to deal with controversial topics such as sexuality and gender is seen as a possibility of exploration of gender and queer issues which have not been taken into account in previous research. Four webcomics about gender issues will be analysed emphasizing Judith Butler’s concepts: The Sisterhood story from SinFest (2008) by Tatsuya Ishida, Khaos Komix (2007-2012) by Tab Kimpton, YU+ME:dream (2004), I Was Kidnapped By Lesbian Pirates From Outer Space (2006-2011) by Megan Rose Gedris and The Gay Monsters (2007) by Andy Bauer. Representing different subjectivities in a popular genre as webcomic defies traditional social conventions and popularizes the individual’s acceptance of his or her own sexuality.||A remediação de quadrinhos para webcomics e quadrinhos animados em flash será explicada destacando os modos audiovisuais que eles compartilham com obras de literatura eletrônica. Além de enfatizar as mudanças nos processos de leitura, publicação e comercialização, o objetivo principal deste artigo é comparar os papéis de gênero em personagens de webcomics com as teorias de performatividade e desnaturalização de Judith Butler. Neste estudo, a liberdade da autora, para lidar com temas polêmicos, como sexualidade e gênero, é vista como uma possibilidade de exploração de questões de gênero e queer que não foram levadas em consideração em pesquisas anteriores. Quatro webcomics sobre questões de gênero serão analisados enfatizando os conceitos de Judith Butler: The Sisterhood story de SinFest (2008) por Tatsuya Ishida; Khaos-Komix (2007-2012) por Tab Kimpton; YU + ME: dream (2004); I was kidnapped by lesbian pirates from outer space (2006-2011) de Megan Rose Gedris; e The Gay Monsters (2007) de Andy Bauer. A representação de diferentes subjetividades, em um gênero popular como webcomic, desafia as convenções sociais tradicionais e populariza ao indivíduo a aceitação de sua própria sexualidade.
Paniagua, Maya Zalbidea
21 de agosto de 2019
https://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/textodigital/article/view/1807-9288.2019v15n1p79 | 10.5007/1807-9288.2019v15n1p79
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Copyright (c) 2019 Maya Zalbidea Paniagua
Texto Digital; Vol. 15 No. 1 (2019); 79-94 | Texto Digital; Vol. 15 No 1 (2019); 79-94 | Texto Digital; v. 15 n. 1 (2019); 79-94 | 1807-9288
info:eu-repo/semantics/article | info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion