O artigo propõe uma análise da questão da sonoridade em uma seleção dos escritos do poeta porto-riquenho Luis Palés Matos (1898-1959) através da relação com a memória coletiva das Antilhas. Examino a importância da musicalidade em dois níveis diferentes: no nível da forma estética – na sonoridade, no ritmo – e no nível das representações sociais e políticas – na cultura popular, de herança africana e mestiça, até então considerada marginal. Esses dois níveis do fenômeno musical apontam para a vontade do escritor de transformar a relação entre o discurso estético e a coletividade por meio da criação, no marco do Porto Rico moderno, de uma nova compreensão da cultura, da língua e dos rituais religiosos das Antilhas. ||This article analyzes the representation of sound and music in a selection of writings by Porto Rican poet Luis Palés Matos (1898-1959) through their relation with cultural memory in the Antilles. It examines the significance of musicality in two different levels: at the level of aesthetic form – of sound and rhythm – and at the level of social and political representations – of popular culture, African and mestizo heritage, which had been considered marginal until then. These two levels of the musical phenomenon point to Palés Matos’ intent to transform the relation between aesthetic discourse and social collectivity through the creation of a new understanding of Antillean culture, language and religious ritual in the context of modern Puerto Rico.||This article analyzes the representation of sound and music in a selection of writings by Porto Rican poet Luis Palés Matos (1898-1959) through their relation with cultural memory in the Antilles. It examines the significance of musicality in two different levels: at the level of aesthetic form – of sound and rhythm – and at the level of social and political representations – of popular culture, African and mestizo heritage, which had been considered marginal until then. These two levels of the musical phenomenon point to Palés Matos’ intent to transform the relation between aesthetic discourse and social collectivity through the creation of a new understanding of Antillean culture, language and religious ritual in the context of modern Puerto Rico.