A construção da imagem internacional do Brasil por meio da cultura
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The article discusses human displacement on the planet, through different ages, looking permanently for knowledge, domain and occupation of territories. It highlights that from the first human exchanges to the present, culture expresses the intrinsic relationship of humankind with its environment, through the artifacts that are part of its symbolic universe.
Used as a major instrument to inform, to let European headquarters know about the discoveries in the tropics, the reports of European travelers were always accompanied by drawings, illustrations, maps, engravings and natural species that formed the Wonder Rooms, in order to delight and seduce Europeans in the 16th century. Thus, from the Cabinets of Curiosities to the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Brazil, Brazilian culture expresses its enormous potential to narrow paths for a cultural diplomacy of excellence, which could represent a great strategy for the inclusion of the country in the global economic system. The article analyzes the participation of Brazil in some expressive international cultural events, and reflects on culture as an element of soft power in the context of international relations.
Culture, globalization, soft power, cultural diplomacy, olympic games.||O artigo aborda o deslocamento humano pelo planeta, em diferentes épocas, como uma longa permanência em busca de conhecimento, domínio e ocupação de territórios. Evidencia que a partir das primeiras trocas humanas até a atualidade, a cultura expressa a intrínseca relação do homem com o seu ambiente, por meio dos artefatos que compõem seu universo simbólico.
Como instrumento preponderante para relatar e dar conhecimento às matrizes europeias sobre as descobertas nos trópicos, os relatos dos viajantes europeus foram sempre acompanhados de desenhos, ilustrações, mapas, gravuras e espécies naturais, que vieram a compor as Câmaras de Maravilhas, capazes de encantar e seduzir os europeus no século XVI. Assim, dos Gabinetes de Curiosidades à cerimônia de abertura dos Jogos Olímpicos no Brasil, a cultura brasileira manifesta seu enorme potencial de estreitar caminhos para uma diplomacia cultural de excelência, que poderá representar grande estratégia de inclusão do país no sistema econômico global. O artigo analisa a participação do Brasil em alguns eventos culturais internacionais de expressão, e reflete sobre a cultura como elemento de soft power no contexto das relações internacionais.
The article discusses human displacement on the planet, through different ages, looking permanently for knowledge, domain and occupation of territories. It highlights that from the first human exchanges to the present, culture expresses the intrinsic relationship of humankind with its environment, through the artifacts that are part of its symbolic universe.
Used as a major instrument to inform, to let European headquarters know about the discoveries in the tropics, the reports of European travelers were always accompanied by drawings, illustrations, maps, engravings and natural species that formed the Wonder Rooms, in order to delight and seduce Europeans in the 16th century. Thus, from the Cabinets of Curiosities to the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Brazil, Brazilian culture expresses its enormous potential to narrow paths for a cultural diplomacy of excellence, which could represent a great strategy for the inclusion of the country in the global economic system. The article analyzes the participation of Brazil in some expressive international cultural events, and reflects on culture as an element of soft power in the context of international relations.
Culture, globalization, soft power, cultural diplomacy, olympic games.
Franco, Maria Ignez Mantovani
31 de outubro de 2017
https://seer.ufu.br/index.php/ouvirouver/article/view/39233 | 10.14393/OUV21-v13n2a2017-1
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Copyright (c) 2017 Maria Ignez Mantovani Franco
ouvirOUver; v. 13 n. 2 (2017): Sistema das Artes Visuais no Brasil; 348-360 | 1983-1005 | 1809-290X
info:eu-repo/semantics/article | info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion