This article discusses a possible incarnation of Aby Warburg and Georges Didi-Huberman’s nymph. The work addresses the temporalities of the image of Alceu’s column Girls (Garotas) in the magazine O Cruzeiro. A humor and behavioral column that was edited from 1938 to 1964 in one of the most popular Brazilian magazines of the 20th century. The column was marked by its illustrations signed by Alceu Penna. The perceptions and chronicles of the image perpass questions related to its time of production, to its reproducibility, to the graphic industry. They were images surrounded by advertisements, behavior, morals and fashions in vogue in its historical production time. However, according to Georges Didi-Huberman, the image belongs to time. Multiple, impure, heterogenic, dialectic, anachronic times also permeate the images in study. Alceu’s Girls, the pin-ups, were analyzed as nymphs. Pin-ups were one of the landmarks of 20th century press and they divided the pages of periodicals with war. The Girls, like the modern nymph, who associate beauty with trauma.