By means of a careful analysis of Balança, Trombeta e Battleship – a short story by Mário de Andrade, published in 1994, after his death –, the aim of this paper is to analyze how characters interact both with each other and with the landscape, thus revealing the figuration of the other. Besides, this study intends to compare Andrade’s short story with other ones written by him as well as with other stories by Brazilian writers, which, apparently, share some affinity with the theme explored.||O objetivo deste estudo é, a partir da leitura de “Balança, Trombeta e Batleship”, conto de Mário de Andrade, publicado postumamente em 1994, analisar como a interação dos personagens entre si e com a paisagem constitui figuração da descoberta do outro. Além disso, quando oportuno, comparar-se-á o conto a outros textos de Mário de Andrade e da literatura brasileira que aparentam certa afinidade com a temática apresentada.