Carmelo Bene, a Stuttering War Machine||Carmelo Bene, une Machine de Guerre Bégayante||Carmelo Bene, a Stuttering War Machine
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This article presents one of the topics raised by the research in progress on the work of the Italian artist Carmelo Bene. The author resumes a relation already made at the beginning of the research between the Benean actorial machine and the Deleuzean-Guattarian war machine, adding elements from an approach of stuttering in Gilles Deleuze, as well as from materials and experiences collected in the field research developed in Italy and France along the last three years. The initial goal of the research was to study the concepts that Carmelo Bene created in scene, seeking a closeness to what was original in his work. From the observation of the multiplicity of Bene’s theoretical and artistic alliances, it became necessary to interrogate and contaminate the research and writing modes themselves, establishing a production by means of fragments and closeness, being this text one of them.||Cet article presente l’un des sujets soulevés par la recherche de l’oeuvre de l’artiste italien Carmelo Bene, toujours en cours. L’auteur reprend une relation qu’elle avait faite au début de sa recherche entre la machine actorielle bénéenne et la machine de guerre deleuze-guattarienne, en les ajoutant un abordage du bégayage chez Deleuze et par le biais de matériels et d’expériences recueillis lors de recherches de terrain menées en Italie et en France depuis 2014. La recherche avait comme objectif initial une étude des concepts que Carmelo Bene avait créés sur la scene, en cherchant ce qui était original dans son travail. La connaissance de la multiplicité des aliances théoriques et artistiques de Bene imposait la necessite d’interroger et de contaminer les propres modes de recherche et d’écrite, établissant une production par fragments et approximations dont le présent texte en est une tentative.||This article presents one of the topics raised by the research in progress on the work of the Italian artist Carmelo Bene. The author resumes a relation already made at the beginning of the research between the Benean actorial machine and the Deleuzean-Guattarian war machine, adding elements from an approach of stuttering in Gilles Deleuze, as well as from materials and experiences collected in the field research developed in Italy and France along the last three years. The initial goal of the research was to study the concepts that Carmelo Bene created in scene, seeking a closeness to what was original in his work. From the observation of the multiplicity of Bene’s theoretical and artistic alliances, it became necessary to interrogate and contaminate the research and writing modes themselves, establishing a production by means of fragments and closeness, being this text one of them.
Balestreri (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul – UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Brazil), Silvia
4 de outubro de 2022
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Copyright (c) 2017 Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença
Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies; Vol. 8 No. 1 (2018): Jan./Mar. 2018; 82-98 | Révue Brésilienne d'Études de la Présence; Vol. 8 No. 1 (2018): Jan./Mar. 2018; 82-98 | Révue Brésilienne d'Études de la Présence; Vol. 8 No 1 (2018): Jan./Mar. 2018; 82-98 | Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença; v. 8 n. 1 (2018): Jan./Mar. 2018; 82-98 | 2237-2660
Carmelo Bene | Actorial Machine | War Machine | Stuttering Machine | Deleuze-Guattari | Carmelo Bene | Actorial Machine | War Machine | Stuttering Machine | Deleuze-Guattari | Carmelo Bene | Machine Actorielle | Machine de Guerre | Machine Bégayante | Deleuze-Guattari
info:eu-repo/semantics/article | info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion