O mapeamento da cidade de Lyon no início do século XX parece ter sido pouco estudado quando comparado ao número de textos dedicados a mapas e cartógrafos do século XIX. Cartografia relacionada com a gestão urbana ou mapeamento militar, vários conjuntos de mapas concentram recursos valiosos para compreender as transformações da cidade naquele momento. Este texto concentra-se em dois pontos principais que parecem emergir: o fortalecimento de um mapeamento detalhado – em escalas de 1:500 a 1:2.000; e um mapeamento “estendido” no momento em que a cidade se amplia num processo de metropolização. Analisando as continuidades e descontinuidades nos mapas produzidos no período, que vai até ao final da Segunda Guerra Mundial, tenta-se propor novas linhas de pesquisa.||The mapping of the city of Lyons in the early twentieth century has not deserved enough attention compared to the number of texts dedicated to maps and mapmakers of the nineteenth century. From the cartography related to the urban administration to military mapping, several collections constitute valuable resources to understand the changes in the city throughout this period and deserve more attention. This paper focuses on two main issues that seem to emerge: the strengthening of a detailed mapping - 1:500 to 1:2000 as well as an "extended" cartography which depicts the city in the midst of metropolization. It proposes to analyze continuities and ruptures in the maps produced up to the end of Second World War, trying to suggest new lines of research.||The mapping of the city of Lyons in the early twentieth century has not deserved enough attention compared to the number of texts dedicated to maps and mapmakers of the nineteenth century. From the cartography related to the urban administration to military mapping, several collections constitute valuable resources to understand the changes in the city throughout this period and deserve more attention. This paper focuses on two main issues that seem to emerge: the strengthening of a detailed mapping - 1:500 to 1:2000 as well as an "extended" cartography which depicts the city in the midst of metropolization. It proposes to analyze continuities and ruptures in the maps produced up to the end of Second World War, trying to suggest new lines of research.