This comparative study explores the similarities and differences between the early 19th-century romantic movements in Brazil and Argentina. It focuses on the role these different political contexts exerted on their literate communities in this period. Therefore, the comparison will be made taking into consideration the works of two main literary critics of the first two thirds of the nineteenth century in each country – Joaquim Norberto de Sousa e Silva and Juan Maria Gutierrez – and their relations with their governments, as a way to offer an explanation for the different developments these literatures had in the period.||Este trabalho procura explorar, através de um estudo comparado entre as literaturas românticas brasileira e argentina, no início do século XIX, o papel que os diferentes contextos políticos destes países exerceram para suas vidas letradas. Focando nos trabalhos dos críticos literários Joaquim Norberto e Juan María Gutiérrez e em suas relações com seus governos, tentamos entender como as literaturas de cada país, no período analisado, foram afetadas pelo apoio e repulsa oficiais.