Lyon, das fontes escritas ao SIG histórico – método e exemplos de aplicação||Lyon, written historical source GIS – method and examples of developments||Lyon, written historical source GIS – method and examples of developments
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O SIG histórico de Lyon foi desenvolvido a partir do final da década de 1990, com o objetivo de chegar a um novo entendimento da transformação dos espaços urbanos e sociais pela espacialização dos dados à escala dos edifícios. Pensamos que, por tal salto na precisão de um fator 100, de uma subdivisão por 36 bairros para uma por 3.500 edifícios no período moderno, o mapeamento levaria a novas perspectivas e novos resultados a história urbana. Isso envolveu o trabalho ao longo de dois séculos de documentos de arquivo, registros de impostos, censos, licenças de construção, alterações de propriedade, a fim de criar bases de dados criticamente pesquisados, seguidos por layers de SIG vetorizados. Foi necessário desenvolver um método para revelar a espacialidade implícita dessas fontes escritas, estabelecer um mapeamento da topografia, permitido pela reconstrução cuidadosa do padrão de trama da cidade, juntamente com sua variação antes de 1800, e levar em conta a transformação do espaço, estudado na escala real de investimentos individuais, através das licenças de construção verificadas com as construções ainda existentes, e o registro administrativo. ||The Lyons historical GIS was developed from the end of the 1990s whit the goal to reach a new understanding of the transformation of urban and social spaces by spatializing data at the buildings scale. We thought that by such a jump in precision of a factor 100, from a subdivision by 36 quarters to one by 3,500 buildings in the modern period, the mapping would lead to new perspectives and results in urban history. This involved working through two centuries of archival records, taxes registers, censuses, building permits, property changes in order to create critically researched data bases followed by vector GIS layers. It was necessary develop a method to reveal the implicit spatiality of these written sources, to establish a mapping topography, allowed by a careful and geometrically checked reconstruction of the city’s plot pattern together with its variation before 1800, and to take into account the space transformation, studied at the actual scale of individual investments, owing to the building permits checked with the still extant constructions, and the administrative record.||The Lyons historical GIS was developed from the end of the 1990s whit the goal to reach a new understanding of the transformation of urban and social spaces by spatializing data at the buildings scale. We thought that by such a jump in precision of a factor 100, from a subdivision by 36 quarters to one by 3,500 buildings in the modern period, the mapping would lead to new perspectives and results in urban history. This involved working through two centuries of archival records, taxes registers, censuses, building permits, property changes in order to create critically researched data bases followed by vector GIS layers. It was necessary develop a method to reveal the implicit spatiality of these written sources, to establish a mapping topography, allowed by a careful and geometrically checked reconstruction of the city’s plot pattern together with its variation before 1800, and to take into account the space transformation, studied at the actual scale of individual investments, owing to the building permits checked with the still extant constructions, and the administrative record.
Gauthiez, Bernard
23 de agosto de 2016
https://www.revistas.usp.br/rieb/article/view/119563 | 10.11606/issn.2316-901X.v0i64p21-50
Direitos autorais
Copyright (c) 2016 Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros
Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros; Núm. 64 (2016); 21-50 | Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros; n. 64 (2016); 21-50 | Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros; No 64 (2016); 21-50 | Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros; No. 64 (2016); 21-50 | 2316-901X | 0020-3874
Historical SIG | historical geography | authorizations to build | buildings | silk trade | Lyons. | SIG histórico | geografia histórica | licenças de construção | imóveis | indústria da seda | Lyon
info:eu-repo/semantics/article | info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion