This article analyzes some of the aspects of modern knowledge that were expressed in the travel writing of the first scientific circumnavigation by the US Exploring Expedition between 1838 and 1842. The knowledge assimilated by that expedition included aspects of national assertion as well as transnational issues of the era. The article analyzes the North American approach with respect to the insertion of North American influence into the network of knowledge that was led by European nations at that time; this represented a discussion with their peers of the old continent, but also direct competition with them.||Trata-se de analisar alguns aspectos do conhecimento moderno expresso no relato de viagem da primeira circum-navegação científica, U. S. Exploring Expediton, entre 1838-1842. Os conjuntos de saberes constituído pela expedição estiveram entre a afirmação nacional e os aspectos transnacionais próprios da época. Revela-se o propósito norte-americano no que diz respeito à inserção de quadros do país na rede de conhecimento liderada pelos europeus, discutindo com os seus pares do velho continente, mas também concorrendo com eles.