This mixed-methods study examines the interrelated nature of a target language and culture acquisition and project-based learning (PBL) at a U.S. West Coast university. From researching to creating their own Portuguese-style tiles as the public cultural products of practices and perspectives at a Portuguese World Language class, instruction and learning are triangulated under the theoretical tenets of PBL and World Languages (WL) approaches. PBL is grounded in crosscutting design principles of real-world utility (CONDLIFFE et. al, 2017). Similarly, WL reflects the increasing importance of the five Cs in learner-centered and proficiency-oriented instruction for a globalized world (KATRADIS, FOX & TIAN, 2017). Results show that while experiential learning has become an increasingly central component of capacity building, the ongoing debate regarding how to implement intercultural communication and global competence skills continues (ACTFL, 2012).
KEYWORDS: Project-Based Learning (PBL). Portuguese World Language (PWL). The five Cs. Learner-centered and proficiency-oriented instruction. Cultural products, practices, and perspectives.