Saúde urbana e higienismo, o exemplo da França||Urban health and hygienism, the example of France||Urban health and hygienism, the example of France
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A saúde é um bom indicador de qualidade territorial e nos informa sobre a qualidade do ambiente vivido. A saúde na cidade foi compreendida, por um longo tempo, através das topografias médicas, que puderam evidenciar os riscos de saúde ligados à concepção das cidades. Este artigo visa ilustrar as interações antigas entre cidade e saúde. Num primeiro momento, tratar-se-á da apresentação histórica de alguns indicadores de morbidade e de mortalidade, além de alguns fatores de risco. Veremos, em seguida, como a conscientização em relação aos desafios sanitários na cidade pôde influenciar o urbanismo e, através da incorporação do higienismo, como se pôde pensar em preservar a saúde das populações, transformando o seu espaço. Este texto evidenciará o caso da França e da cidade de Lyon.||Health is a good indicator of territorial quality and provides information on the quality of the place of life. Health in the city was early apprehended through medical topographies. They were able to highlight the health risks associated with urban building. This article therefore aims to illustrate the interactions between ancient city and health. Firstly, it will be conducted an historic presentation of some indicators of morbidity and mortality, and also of certain risk factors. Then, we will see how the awareness of urban health issues has influenced urban planning. Through the incorporation of hygienism, we will see how we had thought to preserve people health by transforming their place of life. This text will focus on the case of France and city of Lyons.||Health is a good indicator of territorial quality and provides information on the quality of the place of life. Health in the city was early apprehended through medical topographies. They were able to highlight the health risks associated with urban building. This article therefore aims to illustrate the interactions between ancient city and health. Firstly, it will be conducted an historic presentation of some indicators of morbidity and mortality, and also of certain risk factors. Then, we will see how the awareness of urban health issues has influenced urban planning. Through the incorporation of hygienism, we will see how we had thought to preserve people health by transforming their place of life. This text will focus on the case of France and city of Lyons.
Chasles, Virginie
23 de agosto de 2016
https://www.revistas.usp.br/rieb/article/view/119476 | 10.11606/issn.2316-901X.v0i64p65-74
Direitos autorais
Copyright (c) 2016 Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros
Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros; Núm. 64 (2016); 65-74 | Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros; n. 64 (2016); 65-74 | Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros; No 64 (2016); 65-74 | Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros; No. 64 (2016); 65-74 | 2316-901X | 0020-3874
Saúde urbana | medicina | higienismo | Lyon | Urban health | medicine | hygienism | Lyons.
info:eu-repo/semantics/article | info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion