Using the compound triethoxysilane, which can be synthesized from ethanol and silicon metal, and the octadecanol which can came from the hydrogenation and reduction of linoleic acid found in jatropha oil, the present work aims, through molecular modeling, study the interactions between these compounds to subsequently use the results obtained for the synthesis of the triethoxy(octadecoxy) silane compound, which can be consider sustainable since much of its raw material can came from renewable sources like sugarcane and jatropha curca’s oil. Duly designed to fulfill the specific function of be used as a water repellent in the protection of ornamental stones. With three ethoxy groups for the anchorage in the stone substratum and natural polymerization after application in the stone or monument, and a C18 type hydrophobic saturated long chain group which avoids the absorption of water by capillarity and protects against physical, chemical and biological weathering that may occur due to the action of time and the absorption of water.