Urbanity and Gender:: what displaces a walking body?||Urbanité et genre:: qu’est-ce qui déplace un corps qui marche?||Urbanity and Gender:: what displaces a walking body?
- Voltar
Urbanity and Gender: what displaces a walking body? – This article explores the relation between body and urban displacement from an intersectional feminist perspective. Based on recent studies on urbanity and gender – feminisms, art and public space – we will analyze modern and contemporary artistic practices in the city, considering the friction between gendered bodies and the city. The aim is to discuss the displacement that certain bodies establish when walking freely through the urban space.||O presente artigo explora a relação entre corpo e deslocamento urbano desde uma perspectiva do feminismo interseccional. Com base em estudos recentes sobre urbanidade e gênero – feminismos, arte e espaço público –, serão analisadas práticas artísticas modernas e contemporâneas na urbe, considerando a fricção entre corpos genderizados e cidade. O intuito é discutir o deslocamento que certos corpos instauram ao caminhar livremente pelo espaço urbano.||Urbanité et genre: qu'est-ce qui déplace un corps qui marche? – Cet article s’interroge sur la relation entre corps et déplacement urbain sous une perspective féministe intersectorielle. Basé sur des études récentes sur l'urbanité et le genre – féminismes, art et espace public – on analysera les pratiques artistiques modernes et contemporaines dans l’espace urbain, en prenant en considération les frictions entre les corps genrés et la ville. L'intention est de discuter le déplacement que certains corps établissent lorsqu'ils se promènent librement dans l'espace publique.||Urbanity and Gender: what displaces a walking body? – This article explores the relation between body and urban displacement from an intersectional feminist perspective. Based on recent studies on urbanity and gender – feminisms, art and public space – we will analyze modern and contemporary artistic practices in the city, considering the friction between gendered bodies and the city. The aim is to discuss the displacement that certain bodies establish when walking freely through the urban space.
Rodrigues Boito, Sofia
29 de abril de 2024
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Copyright (c) 2024 Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença | https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
Brazilian Journal on Presence Studies; Vol. 14 No. 2 (2024): Abr./Jun. 2024 | Révue Brésilienne d'Études de la Présence; Vol. 14 No. 2 (2024): Abr./Jun. 2024 | Révue Brésilienne d'Études de la Présence; Vol. 14 No 2 (2024): Abr./Jun. 2024 | Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença; v. 14 n. 2 (2024): Abr./Jun. 2024 | 2237-2660
Pratiques Urbaines | Études de Genre | Performance Art | Marche | Féminisme Intersectionnel | Urban Practices | Gender Studies | Performance Art | Walk | Intersectional Feminism | Práticas Urbanas | Estudos de Gênero | Performance Art | Caminhada | Feminismo Interseccional
info:eu-repo/semantics/article | info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion